Take a glimpse into the diverse and exciting lives of insects! Discover what is and is not an insect, the significant role they have in nature, their life cycles and much more.
Standards and Correlations:
Lesson Plan:
Video Link:
Video Lesson - Investigating Insects
Cleveland Metroparks Mobile Outreach Unit can provide qualified educators with free lending kits for their preschool classroom through Eco Explorers powered by PNC Grow Up Great. These kits are specifically designed to enhance their nature-based videos and lesson plans that align with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards.
No membership required to borrow any lending kits!
Investigating Insects lending kit includes:
Pick-up location and hours:
To learn more about the free lending kits and or to see if you qualify to reserve one, contact the Mobile Outreach team at mobileoutreach@clevelandmetroparks.com or by calling 216-341-1707.